Marina Guimarães Villa do Conde

Professional Practice
Associate with the São Paulo office since April, 2015, beginning as a trainee and then an associate after graduating in July, 2015, she practices in Corporate Law, including the organization and dissolution of companies and amendments to Articles of Association; drafting of Minutes of General and Extraordinary Quotaholders’ Meetings especially for the distribution of earnings and dividends; Quotaholders’ Resolutions; Mergers of companies of the same economic group; purchase and sale of shares; transformation of “Sociedade Anônima” into a “Sociedade Limitada”; due diligence; obtaining licenses and certificates with State and Municipal agencies, of DBEs (Basic Document of Entry) before the Federal Revenue agency of Brazil. Handling of bureaucratic legal matters in Consulates as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the legalization of foreign documents. Registration of corporate documents with the Commercial Registry; opening and closing branches; organization and dissolution of companies, registration of corporate actions, and minutes of Quotaholders’ and Shareholders’ Meetings, opening and closing of branches including in other states and publications of corporate notices in newspapers of wide circulation; organization and regularization of file information of companies with the Commercial Registries; drafting of powers of attorney and Minutes of Quotaholders’ Meetings for participation in bidding processes; support in the drafting of Memorandums of Understanding and legal and case law research.
Operations with the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), through the SISBACEN system and in direct contact with the bank, especially in matters of foreign capital registration, in operations relative to subscription and payment of capital; capital reduction; registration of exchange contracts; creation of RDE-IED (Electronic Declaratory Register – Direct Foreign Investment) and ROF (Registration of Financial Operations); obtaining CNPJ (National Enrollment of Legal Entities; acquisition of national companies; distribution of profits and dividends; allocation of funds; operations for the correction of information supplied involving the opening of exchange contracts for the correction and exclusion of entries; Assistance in the drafting of administrative defenses before the Central Bank of Brazil.
Legal and bureaucratic questions at Consulates, as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the apostille (legalization) of foreign documents.
Family law, including judicial and extrajudicial divorce and estate probate.
Academic Background
- Bachelor of Law with the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUCSP (São Paulo Pontifical Catholic University) (2015);
- English courses (Legal English) and U.S. Legal Methods – Introduction to U.S. Law — with the George Washington University – GWU in Washington D.C., in the United States of America (2013);
- Postgraduate degree program in Business Law with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV (in progress).