Legal Nature Of Incubators And Accelerators And Their Contractual Relationship With Start-Ups
The last decades have shown a strong legislative trend to stimulate technological innovation by fostering the entrepreneurship. In this environment, organizations called start-up incubators and start-up accelerators have emerged. These organizations provide the start-ups the necessary means to start and improve their activities, and enable effective interaction among researchers, university professors, entrepreneurs and investors, contributing to the creation and improvement of products or services offered to the market. This paper seeks to define the legal nature of start- ups, incubators and accelerators, to analyze the usual clauses in these types of agreements and to suggest some parameters for its interpretation. Read More
Labor Law Reform
On July 13, 2017, Law No. 13.467 called the Labor Reform (“Reform”) was enacted and entered into force on November 11, 2017, substantially altering certain provisions of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (“CLT”) dated of May 1, 1943. Read More
Judicial Recovery and Taxes
The draft bill from the Federal Government that amends the Bankruptcy Law (Law N. 11.101/05) opens the debate on the reform of the law. Among the issues that require improvements are those related to tax liabilities prior to the filing of a judicial recovery claim and to tax contingencies that have as generating factor the remission of private debts. Read More
Brazilian Federal Revenue regulates tax returns relative to the exchange of tax information among countries
In view of a new fiscal paradigm prevailing on the global scenario, that aims at combating international tax fraud, currency evasion and money laundering, at the end of 2016 Brazil adopted important steps towards International compliance, through 3 new Normative Rulings (IN) from the Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB). Read More
Convention on the Elimination of Requirements for the Legalization of Foreign Public Documents
As of August 14, 2016, the Hague Convention on Apostilles, whose purpose is the elimination of the requirement of the “diplomatic or consular legalization” on public foreign documents, as well as to speed up and simplify the necessary steps for the mutual recognition of public documents in the country of origin and abroad will become enforceable in Brazil. Read More
The Brazilian Federal Revenue regulates the Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) within the International Covenants and Agreements to avoid double taxation
The Brazilian Federal Revenue (RFB) published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) of November 10, 2016 the Normative Instruction IN RFB Nº 1.669/2016, that provides for the “amicable procedure under the International Covenants and Agreements to avoid Double Taxation (ADTs) of which Brazil is a signatory”. Read More

The Firm
ROSMAN, SOUZA LEÃO, FRANCO E ADVOGADOS is a traditional law firm founded in 1964 by José Luiz Bulhões Pedreira (1925-2006) and Antonio Fernando de Bulhões Carvalho (1925-2009) under the name of “Bulhões Pedreira, Bulhões Carvalho e Advogados Associados”. Since its founding, it has practiced actively in multiple areas of the law, with a particular focus on corporate and tax law, as well as providing legal advice to national and international companies, other law firms and government agencies, predominantly in the area of Corporate and Income Tax law. Other significant areas of practice are commercial, administrative, financial and banking law.
Who We Are
Areas of Expertise
Operating in the principal areas of the law, both in providing legal advice and in litigation, that include corporate, bankruptcy and corporate reorganization, consulting and litigation in civil law, tax, insurance and reinsurance, mediation and arbitration, capital markets, M&A, contracts, real estate, administrative law, intellectual property, the establishment of foreign companies in Brazil, registration of foreign capital before the Central Bank of Brazil, labor law through an associated law firm, the professionals of the firm help clients navigate the complex legal and regulatory universe of Brazil with its own peculiarities but increasingly integrated into the international business community.
Our Areas of Expertise
Our attorneys have experience accumulated over many decades in the various areas of the law in which they practice and operate and in the business sectors in which our clients are involved. They also are committed to the continuous improvement of their skills, which distinguishes them in the community in which they operate, enabling each professional to render services of the highest possible standards to their clients promptly, sensitive to the clients’ needs.
Our Professionals